Event Application Process

All events, including club events, must receive a permit and use the Cycling Ireland Online Entry System. The benefits of the new system are that it removes cash and the handling of money, entry fees move seamlessly into your stripe account and you have a list of all your entries before event day.

Event Licence fees (one Day Licence) are also collected directly at the time of entry and sign-on sheets are not required. Unfortunately, if your event has not received a permit and is not available for booking via our online system it cannot avail of event insurance.

Note: Cycling Ireland events can only be submitted and run by Cycling Ireland affiliated clubs.

1 : Apply for a permit

Club Officials need to apply for a permit via the Club Management area of your membership portal 

Log In 

2 : Event Date Approval

The Cycling Ireland Events Team will approve your permit date or be in touch with alternative option if necessary.

3: Get your Event ready for online Entry

Once your permit has been approved you can start to prepare your event for accepting online bookings.

Step 1 - Login to Eventmaster

Event promotors can login by 

- Activating your account 

or (if you already have an account with Eventmaster) 

- login as an Event Organiser

Step 2 - Add/Amend your Event Description

When you login you will see your event in ‘Drafts’. If you do not see your event in drafts or would like to add other event organisers please contact us – DO NOT set up a new event.

Select to edit your event and you will see you can add or amend the Event description.

Step 3  - Add entry options/ additional purchases.

You have the option of adding this yourself or alternatively download and return the form(s) below to us and we can set up your entries / tickets. Ensure to add all options, prices and details on date and times you wish to open and close entries.

- Leisure Ticket Set Up 

- Competitive Ticket Set up 

Step 4  - Publish your event 

Only Cycling Ireland can publish an event. When the above is complete, we will send you a link to connect your stripe account. When the Stripe is connected, we can send you a public link for event entry. 

- Leisure events:  Can be published prior to a Risk Assessment being submitted. Full event approval is only granted when a risk assessment is uploaded and approved (at least 3 weeks in advance of your event).

- Competitive Events: A risk assessment must be uploaded & approved prior to publishing an event and taking bookings.

Above is a basic set up. If you have additional requirements, please feel free to contact us or check out the detailed guides below.

4. Submit Risk Assessment:

A Risk Assessment must be submitted a minimum of 30 days before your event. A template is available to download below in the Documents section. This template is the preferred file/format to use, although you may use your own file. 

You will need to complete all the sheets coloured Green. The Route Details sheet has been improved to show expected arrival times at various points along the route based on projected speeds. Enter the projected speeds and the information for each step on the route (e.g. junctions) and the arrival times will be automatically calculated. Have a look at the Route Example to see how to complete the route details.

A Route Map sheet is now included where you must paste a map of the route. A route map is necessary for the Risk Assessment to be approved.

How to Upload a Risk Assessment

Please login to your Cycling Ireland Club Management. Select ‘Permit Management‘ and find your event. If your event has been Date Approved you will be able to click on ‘Upload Risk Assessment’ to upload the document.

For any Leisure permit queries please contact leisure.events@cyclingireland.ie

If you need any further help please events@cyclingireland.ie quoting your Permit ID number.

Useful Guides
