Cycling Ireland is committed to safeguarding the well-being of its members. Every member of Cycling Ireland deserves to be treated, at all times, with respect and dignity. Equally, all members should show respect and understanding for other members’ rights, safety and welfare.
For all safeguarding matters contact:
Donal Gillespie
Phone: +353 (0)86 0447735
Safeguarding: Garda Vetting Invitation and ID Validation Form958.0KB
Procedures for Completion_Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment145.0KB
Instructions on completing Club Risk Assessment and Child Safeguarding Statement135.0KB
Cycling Ireland Safeguarding Policy15.5MB
Cycling Ireland club safeguarding statement template 2022187.0KB
Cycling Ireland Club Safeguarding Risk Assessment template 2022167.0KB
Cycling Ireland Child Safeguarding Statement 20221.5MB
Child Safeguarding Officer320.0KB