Cycling Ireland has appointed Ciara Byrne to the role of Youth Development Officer in the Connacht region.
The development of pathways and enhanced structures to support the growth of youth cycling participation is a key pillar of Cycling Ireland 2020-2024 Strategic Plan. Despite the challenges presented by Covid-19, the number of members under 18 years of age has increased by 34% in 2021, a testament to the work of clubs and the wider cycling community who are focused on providing opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to cycle.
The recent appointment of a Youth Development Officer will help build on this and support clubs to grow and cater for youth and junior riders across all disciplines. Ciara has already begun her role, connecting with clubs in Connacht and assessing their immediate needs in relation to club development, safeguarding and coaching.
Other areas of focus include working with Local Sports Partnerships, Community groups and Commissions to explore ways of working together and to formulate plans to support and grow youth cycling.
If your club would like assistance in setting up a youth section within Connacht please contact Ciara Byrne at